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Unreal Engine 5 Unreal Engine 5 Redirectors Fixer Plugin Released!
New TVC Redirectors Fixer plugin released in Unreal Engine 5 Marketplace

The new TVC Redirectors Fixer plugin has been released in Unreal Engine Marketplace for making our lives easier managing redirectors in Unreal Engine 5.
This plugin was developed by me trying to solve a common issue when working with Unreal Engine projects.
The concept is to solve the problem at the moment is caused by the person who caused it avoiding later issues.
Sometimes redirectors are not managed by artists and are left for the tech or engineering team to solve them in a bulk in a later stage periodically or they are expected to be solved by the artist by making the redirectors visible, selecting the redirectors and using the right click menu Fix Up, steps that are automated now with this plugin.
Basic usage
It adds some extra Rename Fixing Redirectors and Move Fixib¡ng Redirectors contextual menus below the actual Move or Rename menus, but these special ones fix up the created redirectors, if any, managing files in our configured source control system right after the move or rename operation happens, saving some important technical steps, and then all the fixed up files can be submitted by the team member who moved or renamed the files or folders.
TVC Redirectors Fixer Documentation
You can refer to TVC Redirectors Fixer Plugin documentation to see how it works before deciding if its a good deal for you.